Wednesday, March 18, 2015

March 11/12

1) Bell Ringer: Finish replicating this strand of DNA AATCGATCG
2) Review
  • What does DNA stand for?  Deoxyribonucleic acid
  • Where is DNA found in a cell?  Nucleus
  • What does DNA do?  contains instruction for building proteins
  • *Only 2% of our DNA contains protein coding genes.  Scientists are currently working to find out what the other 98% is for-it used to be called "junk DNA". 
  • * We have about 23,000 protein coding genes.
  • What is the monomer of DNA? nucleotides
  • Name the three parts of a nucleotide:  sugar, phosphate group, and nitrogen containing base
  • Name the 4 bases found in DNA:  adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine
  • How do they pair up? Adenine + Thymine and cytosine + guanine
  • Which bases are the 2 ringed purines?  adenine and guanine
  • Which bases are the 1 ringed pyrimidines?  cytosine and thymine
  • What is the process called when DNA is copied?  replication
  • What is the enzyme that "unzips" the DNA?  helicase
  • What is the enzyme that joins the nucleotides?  DNA polymerase
We then modeled replication using this internet interactive:
3) Next we took the DNA quiz
4) Then we took notes on transcription and translation
***protein synthesis you tube
5) Last of all we worked on this worksheet that compares DNA and RNA.

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