Friday, April 11, 2014

April 13/14

1) Bell Ringer:  What does this quote mean?  Do you think it is accurate?
Three hundred trout are needed to support one man for a year.  The trout, in turn, must consume 90,000 frogs, that must consume 27 million  grasshoppers that live off of 1,000 tons of grass.  
-- G. Tyler Miller, Jr., American Chemist (1971)
2)  First, we watched the following video and discussed it as a class:
3)  Students took this quiz on water:
and we looked at the following websites and discussed water use in the U.S.
4) Complete Sections A-E on this worksheet.  Use the links below to help you.
A.  Use the following energy pyramid to answer the energy pyramid questions.
Pictuer Source:
B.  Energy Conservation:

Migration: even though birds spend a lot of energy making the flight, the availability of food, sources of shelter, and warmer weather make it worth the flight
Hibernation: animals conserve energy by sleeping rather, than battling the cold and the small food supply
Hunting in Packs: organisms are able to take down larger prey and expend less energy, but they have to share food
Scavengers: feed off of leftovers so organisms doesn't have to expend energy doing their own hunting, however the original predator does pose a hazard
C. Click on the link below to complete this section:
D. Fill in the blanks of the water cycle diagram. Use google if you get stuck.
E. Click on the link below to complete section E.
Here is a link to the quiz at the end of section E:

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